NOTICE: STG Opens a New CFS Location in Cleveland, Ohio

Dear Business Partner,
STG Logistics has a new CFS facility. As the nation’s largest provider of port-to-door services and supply chain solutions, we are excited to share we have expanded our CFS footprint into Cleveland, OH. Effective Monday, March 18, 2023 IPI loads departing March 13th out of NJ and IPI loads departing March 6th out of the LA facilities will be routed to our new location Cleveland, Ohio:
STG Logistics
Phone: 216.252.4260
Firms code: HB18
Hours of Operations:
Office 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Warehouse 8:00 a.m.-4:00 pm.
Window 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Last driver in at 3:30 p.m.
Our import window rates are listed below:
- Terminal in/out: $4.00 Per CWT or $15.00 per CBM/800 Whichever is greater Minimum In/Out $95.00 per HBL
- Import window facility fee: $90.00
- Doc Fee: $35.00
- Pallet fee: $25.00
- Haz window fee (when applicable) : $125.00 per HBL
- Import storage:
- 4 free days
- Thereafter: $0.15/LB Minimum $50.00 Day- Maximum $275.00 Day
Please reach out to your local STG contact, if you have any questions. We appreciate your continued support.